Services & Specialties

Optical Shop

On-site optical shop offers a vast selection of eyeglasses and sunglasses to suit your style and vision needs. Continue Reading

Welcome to Nepal Eye Hospital

Why choose Nepal Eye Hospital?

Quality of Care and Patient Experience
Top priority in quality of care and the overall patient experience in terms of hospital’s cleanliness, staff courtesy, waiting times, and the availability of personalized care and attention.

Specialized Expertise
An eye hospital with a team of specialized ophthalmologists and eye care professionals who have expertise in treating a wide range of eye conditions.

State-of-the-Art Technology
A leading eye hospital equipped with cutting-edge diagnostic and treatment technology. Latest advancements in eye care, such as laser treatment, modern cataract surgery techniques, and advanced diagnostic imaging tools.

Accessibility and Convenience
Located at the heart of capital city Tripureshwor, Kathmandu; Nepal Eye Hospital offers excellent accessibility and convenience due to its central location and proximity to key transportation hubs and commercial areas.

50 Years of Excellence









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